Alzheimer’s Products

Alzheimer’s Products

We believe that with knowledge comes understanding,
and with understanding comes compassion.

As caregivers ourselves, we understand the struggles and stressors you face. We understand no day is the same, no interaction will go as planned, and each living with dementia is different. Our cards are meant to increase socialization and decrease stress, thus improving mental health and overall well-being.  

The caregiver hands out our cards to anyone they connect with in the community. They are ideal for – restaurant servers, airline attendants, store clerks, etc.

The caregivers wear our caregiver button to increase awareness and to show they are with an extraordinary person. In addition, caregivers, family, or friends can wear the purple adjustable bracelet to show support and love for the dementia community. 

We want our vision to become a movement. We want to acknowledge the fantastic caregivers in the community that dedicate their lives to supporting individuals with dementia. We hope caregivers find strength in knowing they are not alone in this journey. 

I had a scheduled business trip for site reviews for a client in four cities over a three-day period. I had to bring Jane along. We stopped in the offices of three commercial realty firms and in each case, I had to bring Jane inside for her safety and my piece of mind. Jane would come into the conference rooms and work on her word search books while we discussed sites for my client. Before I passed out my business cards, I handed the people in the room one of your caregiver cards. It put everyone at ease without saying a word or embarrassing Jane. As you know I had been using other cards but yours is so much kinder and expresses thanks and appreciation to those who are in the room or situation. My other cards are gone and I will be using your cards moving forward. I wanted to thank you for producing these cards and making them available they truly are a blessing.” ~ John

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Button Pack

Button Pack

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20 Refill Pack

20 Refill Pack

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Caregiver Club Set

Caregiver Club Set


See our tips on how to use the Caregiver Cards

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